(1)易损部件少,故障率低,易维护。从经济效益上讲, 更换的部件只有软管, 程度的降低了客户的使用成本和维修成本。
(2)可干转。这也是软管泵的 特点,当进口端无介质吸入时也不会损坏泵本身,特别适合在他们所要求的场合,因为现场无工作人员照看。
(3)可输送含固量高,磨损性大的介质。对于软管泵 可输送的高达80%含固量, 粘度可输送到50000cps。这些对于垃圾渗滤液中的高磨损性颗粒没有任何问题。
豫信致诚机械设备有限公司通过多年研发 西藏林芝水渠成型机产品.安全耐用可靠.适应各种安装要求.已在 西藏林芝水渠成型机业界享有一定的认知度.深得广大用户一致信赖.本着精益求精的精神.所有 西藏林芝水渠成型机产品都是采用优良材料生产精制而成.符合质量监督检测标准. 本公司抱着认真、负责、锐意进取的态度、保证 西藏林芝水渠成型机产品质量和售后服务,赢取天下客户的赞许,为客户作出的保证,同时诚望与各新老客户能力合作、共同拓展。
Working principle and application of hose pump: The hose is arranged in a U-shape in the pump body. When the rotating body drives the extrusion wheel to rotate, the extrusion hose is elastically deformed by the extrusion wheel, and then the suction port forms a negative pressure suction slurry. By the push of the squeeze wheel, the slurry is discharged from the discharge port, forming a pressure transfer of the slurry. Industrial hose pumps are mainly used for the long-distance transportation of viscous slurry in the fields of construction, underground engineering, mining, food, papermaking, ceramics, metering pumping, pressure grouting, spraying, etc.
The hose pump is mainly composed of 5 parts: pump casing, rotor body, reducer, base and hose. The durability of the pump is mainly determined by the elasticity and corrosion resistance of the pipe, and its flow rate is related to the speed of the motor and the inner diameter of the pipe.