The hose pump is mainly composed of 5 parts: pump casing, rotor body, reducer, base and hose. The durability of the pump is mainly determined by the elasticity and corrosion resistance of the pipe, and its flow rate is related to the speed of the motor and the inner diameter of the pipe.
豫信致诚机械设备有限公司凭借高素质的管理人员及认真负责的一线工人的共同努力,打造质量过硬的 陕西延安水渠成型机产品。
近年来,公司高度重视经营模式创新和改变,积j i发展电子商务,致力于打造以生产为基础,互联网为平台,电子商务运营为主要发力点,展望未来,公司将坚定不移的实施 陕西延安水渠成型机质量品牌战略,坚持“以责任坚守品质,以诚信服务客户”的经营理念,成长为 陕西延安水渠成型机综合服务商。
化工行业,各种防腐蚀浆料和无机盐物料;石油、钻井、水处理、泥浆、石灰浆;采矿冶金的充填物料,矿浆输送;食品行业,油类物料及饮料,糊状料输送;造纸行业,纸浆、硫磺输送;建筑业,水泥沙浆、泡沫混凝土生产线,楼顶屋泡沫轻质流体物料;油漆、涂料、钛 、二氧化碳等物料输送。
Typical use of hose pump:
Chemical industry, various anti-corrosion slurry and inorganic salt materials; petroleum, drilling, water treatment, mud, lime slurry; filling materials for mining and metallurgy, slurry transportation; food industry, transportation of oil materials and beverages, paste; papermaking Industry, pulp and sulfur transportation; construction industry, cement mortar, foam concrete production line, rooftop foam light fluid materials; paint, coating, titanium dioxide, carbon dioxide and other materials transportation.